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2020 - The Development Of Global Legislative Politics_ Rousseau And Locke Writ Global (with Lien Thi Quynh Le)

2013 - The Quality of Life in Asia_ A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia (wtih Seiji Fujii)

2009 - Political Leadership, Parties and Citizens_ The personalisation of leadership (Jean Blondel, Jean-Louis Thiebault)

2006 - Political Cultures in Asia and Europe_ Citizens, States and Societal Values (with Jean Blondel)


2022 - Digitised Statecraft of Four Asian Regionalisms

2022 - Typology of Asian Societies - Bottom-Up Perspective and Evidence-Based Approach

2017 - Exit, Voice and Loyalty in Asia - Individual Choice under 32 Asian Societal Umbrellas

2012 - Japan’s International Relations

2001 - Global Change - A Japanese Perspective

1993 - Japan’s Foreign Policy in an Era of Global Change


2020 - The Development Of Global Legislative Politics_ Rousseau And Locke Writ Global (with Lien Thi Quynh Le)

2017 - Trust with Asian Characteristics_ Interpersonal and Institutional-Springer Singapore (with Yasuharu Tokuda)

2013 - The Troubled Triangle_ Economic and Security Concerns for the United States, Japan, and China (with G. John Ikenberry)

2013 - The Quality of Life in Asia_ A Comparison of Quality of Life in Asia (wtih Seiji Fujii)

2012 - Political Parties and Democracy_ Contemporary Western Europe and Asia (with Jean Blondel)

2011 - The U.S.-Japan Security Alliance_ Regional Multilateralism (with G. John Ikenberry and Yoichiro Sato)

2011 - Japanese Politics Today_ From Karaoke to Kabuki Democracy

2009 - Political Leadership, Parties and Citizens_ The personalisation of leadership (Jean Blondel, Jean-Louis Thiebault)

2008 - Globalisation, Public Opinion and the State_ Western Europe and East and Southeast Asia-Routledge (with Ian Marsh)

2007 - The Uses of Institutions_ The U.S., Japan, and Governance in East Asia (with G. John Ikenberry)

2007 - Federalism in Asia (with Baogang He, Brian Galligan)

2007 - Citizens and the State_ Attitudes in Western Europe and East and Southeast Asia (with Jean Blondel)

2003 - Reinventing the Alliance_ U.S.-Japan Security Partnership in an Era of Change (wuth G. John Ikenberry)

2000 - Japanese Foreign Policy Today_ A Reader (with Purnendra Jain)

2000 - American Democracy Promotion_ Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts (with Michael Cox, G. John Ikenberry)

1999 - Democracy, Governance, and Economic Performance_ East and Southeast Asia (The Changing Nature of Democracy) (with Ian Marsh, Jean Blondel)

1998 - The Changing Nature of Democracy (with Edward Newman, John Keane )

1998 - Memories_of_War - The Second World War and Japanese Historical Memory in Comparative Perspective (with Lyn Jackson)

1998 - International Security Management and the United Nations (with Muthiah Alagappa)

1997 - The Vitality of Japan_ Sources of National Strength and Weakness (with Armand Clesse, E. B. Keehn, J. A. A. Stockwin)

1996 - Globalism_and_Regionalism (with Toshiro Tanaka)


2019 - The SAGE Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy

2015 - Japanese and Russian Politics_ Polar Opposites or Something in Common

2015 - Japanese and Korean politics - alone and apart from each other


2019 - The SAGE Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy - Citizens and Regimes

2017 - The History of Well-Being in East Asia

2013 - The Troubled Triangle - Economic and Security Concerns for the United States, Japan, and China

2012 - Toward the Elaboration of a General Theory of Parties—The Cases of Western Europe and East and Southeast Asia

2012 - Political Parties and Democracy in Western Europe and East and Southeast Asia

2011 - Alliance Constrained - Japan, the United States, and Regional Security

2011 - Active SDF, Coming End of Regional Ambiguity, and Comprehensive Political Alliance

2010 - Diagnosing the micro foundation of democracy in Asia - evidence from the AsiaBarometer survey, 2003–2008)

2008 - Finding global solutions? How citizens view policy problems and their solutions

2008 - Barometers of Quality of Life Around the Globe_ How Are We Doing_ (Social Indicators Research Series)

2007 - Introduction - US, Japan and governance

2003 - Introduction - US Japan Alliance

2002 - Towards and East Asian Community


2000 - Beyond Karaoke Diplomacy?

1999 - Parties, bureaucracies, and the search for an equilibrium between democracy and economic development

1999 - Economic development v. political democracy

1998 - Introduction - The changing nature of democracy (with Edward Newman)


2023 - The Rise and Fall of “Reformist Governments” Hosokawa and Hata - 1993–1994

2022 - Multiple Modes of Wellbeing in Asia

2019 - The SAGE Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy - What Do Asian Societies Look Like from the Bottom Up instead of Top Down?

2019 - The SAGE Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy - Introduction

2019 - The SAGE Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy - Foreseeing Perspective (Voir pour Prévoir)

2019 - Japan's Foreign Policy Background

2018 - Leisure Satisfaction in Relation 2 to Quality of Life Using the AsiaBarometer Survey Data

2016 - Quality of Life Research in Asia

2015 - The Korean Peninsula and Japan Global Money Flows as Framing International Relations

2015 - Japanese and Russian Politics - Politics of Swings

2015 - Japan and Russia - Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy

2015 - Abenomics and Abegeopolitics

2013 - Japan’s Foreign Policy Line after the Cold War

2013 - Japan's United Nations peacekeeping and other operations

2012 - Japan

2011 - Prime Ministers

2011 - From KARAOKE to KABUKI Democracy - Japanese Politics Today

2010 - Why are there no non-Western theories of international relations?

2009 - Japan, Korea, and Taiwan - Are one hundred flowers about to blossom?

2008 - Japanese contemporary politics - Towards a new interpretation

2007 - Japanese Strategic Thought toward Asia in the 1980s

2007 - Japan - Bilateralism at Any Cost?

2007 - How to Assess World War II in World History - One Japanese Perspective

2007 - Federal traditions and quasi-federalism in Japan)

2007 - Clash of Values across Civilizations

2006 - Has the Japanese model ceased to be a magnet in Asia?

2005 - Japan’s Ambition for Normal Statehood

2000 - Three Frameworks in Search of a Policy - US Democracy Promotion in Asia-Pacific

1998 - Three frameworks of peace and security in the next millenium

1998 - The United Nations’ role in global security - Peace builder or peace enforcer?

1998 - Japan and Pacific Asia - Reflections on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the End of World War II

1998 - Asian-style democracy?

1997 - Missions, Mechanisms and Modalities of Fledgling Cooperative Regimes in the Pacific

1995 - Dialectics of World Order - A View from Pacific Asia (ch7)

1990 - Four Japanese Scenarios for the Future


2023 - Asia’s four regionalisms (Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and East Asia)

2016 - Toward Modelling a Global Social Contract - Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke

2014 - Global Leadership and International Regime - Empirical Testing of Cooperation without Hegemony Paradigm on the Basis of 120 Multilateral Conventions Data Deposited to the United Nations System

2014 - Daily Life Satisfaction in Asia - A Cross-National Survey in Twelve Societies

2012 - Is Globalization Undermining Civilizational Identities? A Test of Huntington's Core State Assumptions among the Publics of Greater Asia and the Pacific

2011 - Is Globalization Undermining the “Clash of Civilizations”? A Test of Huntington among the Publics of Greater Asia and the Pacific

2011 - Introduction to Ideas of Asian Regionalism

2010 - Individual and Country-Level Effects of Social Trust on Happiness - The Asia Barometer Survey

2009 - The relationship between trust in mass media and the healthcare system and individual health - evidence from the AsiaBarometer Survey

2009 - The Quality of Life in Japan

2009 - The Quality of Life in Confucian Asia - From Physical Welfare to Subjective Well-being

2009 - Psychometric Approach to Social Capital - Using AsiaBarometer Survey Data in 29 Asian Societies

2009 - Avowed Happiness in Confucian Asia - Ascertaining its Distribution, Patterns, and Sources

2008 - Legitimacy and effectiveness in Thailand, 2003–2007 - perceived quality of governance and its consequences on political beliefs

2008 - Interpersonal Trust and Quality-of-Life - A Cross-Sectional Study in Japan

2008 - Interpersonal Mistrust and Unhappiness Among Japanese People

2008 - Does Globalization Reduce Or Enhance Democracy? A Micro Analysis Based On An 18 Country Cross-National Asia-Europe Survey

2007 - Social Capital in East Asia - Comparative Political Culture in Confucian Societies

2007 - Macro-Political Origins of Micro-Political Differences - A Comparison of Eleven Societies in East and South Asia

2006 - Quantifying Social Capital in Central and South Asia - Are There Democratic, Developmental, and Regionalizing Potentials?

2006 - Japan’s emerging role as a ‘global ordinary power

2005 - Empire, hierarchy, and hegemony - American grand strategy and the construction of order in the Asia-Pacific

2005 - American Foreign Policy and Global Opinion

2003 - Governance, Democracy, Consolidation and the ‘End of Transition’

2002 - Political Cultures Do Matter - Citizens and Politics in Western Europe and East and Southeast Asia

2001 - Sovereignties - westphalian liberal and anti-utopian

2001 - 2001 - Organizing hypocrisy and transforming sovereignty

1979 - Negotiation as quasi–budgeting - the salmon catch negotiations between two world fishery powers

1978 - The Politics Of Decrementalism - The Case Of Soviet-Japanese Salmon Catch Negotiations, 1957-1 977


2018 - The Wilsonian moment - Japan 1912–1952

2018 - Reflecting on nineteen years as editor of the Japanese Journal of Political Science (2000-2018)

2018 - Nambara Shigeru (1889–1974) - how a Japanese liberal conceptualized eternal peace, 1918–1951

2017 - An Evidence-Based Typology of Asian Societies - What Do Asian Societies Look Like from the Bottom Up instead of Top Down?

2016 - The emergence of comparative politics in Japan

2016 - AsiaBarometer

2015 - War Occurrence - Hyper-Insecurity and Multilateral Institutions

2015 - uncertain times cast a cloud over happiness in asia

2015 - The Personalization of Politics - Koizumi and Japanese Politics

2015 - The Korean Peninsula and Japan - Global Money Flows as Framing International Relations

2015 - Editor's Remarks Takashi Inoguchi, Editor-in-Chief

2014 - The Rise of ‘Abegeopolitics’ - Japan’s New Engagement with the World

2014 - The Nature and Functioning of Japanese Politics

2014 - Speculating on Asian Security, 2013–2033

2014 - Japanese Politics in Transition - A Theoretical Review

2014 - Japan’s Politics of Interdependence

2014 - Japan in 2013 - Abenomics and Abegeopolitics

2014 - A call for a new Japanese foreign policy - the dilemmas of a stakeholder state

2013 - Takashi Inoguchi - A Pioneer in Asian Quality of Life Research

2013 - Japan–China Fragile Partnership - At Fortieth Anniversary of Diplomatic Normalization

2013 - Japan in 2012 - Voters Swing, and Swing Away Soon

2012 - Soft Power of Civil Society in International Relations

2011 - Japanese Ideas of Asian Regionalism

2010 - World Order Debates in the Twentieth Century - Through the Eyes of the Two-level Game and the Second Image (Reversed)

2010 - Political Science in Japan - Looking Back and Forward

2010 - Japan as Studied in Japan's Neighbors and Japan Itself

2010 - A North-East Asian perspective

2009 - Developments on the Korean Peninsula and Japan's Korea Policy

2009 - Demographic Change and Asian Dynamics - Social and Political Implications

2008 - Trade, technology and security - Implications for East Asia and the West, Part II

2008 - The rise and fall of “reformist governments” - Hosokawa and Hata, 1993–1994

2008 - Parliamentary Opposition under (Post-)One-Party Rule - Japan

2008 - Japan's role in international affairs

2008 - Japan in search of a normal role

2008 - Japan as a Global Ordinary Power - Its Current Phase

2008 - Japan - What Power? What Strategies?

2008 - Introduction to the special issue of International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

2008 - Factional dynamics of the liberal democratic party

2007 - The AsiaBarometer Survey Questionnaire of 2006

2007 - Are there any theories of international relations in Japan?

2006 - Regional Community Building in Northeast Asia

2004 - Tinkering Every 15 Years - A New Major Turn in Japan’s Foreign Policy?

2004 - The AsiaBarometer - Its Aim, Its Scope, Its Strength

2004 - Social Capital in Ten Asian Societies

2004 - Japans pacific century

2004 - Japans foreign policy in East Asia

2004 - Japan and Asia, distant friends?

2003 - Generating Equilibrium, Generating Power Cycles

2003 - Executive Turnovers in 2003

2003 - Political Security - Toward a Broader Conceptualization

2002 - The Sociology Of A Not-So-Integrated Discipline - The Development Of International Relations In Japan

2002 - legacy of a weathercock prime minister

2002 - Japan’s Upper House Election of 29 July 2001

2002 - Human Development Report 2002 - The Media and the Internet in Democratic Development

2002 - Governance Across Borders in Northeast Asia - Shaping and Sharing Identities, Ideas, Interests and Institutions

2001 - US hegemonic decline and China and Japan

2001 - The Politics of Korean Unification - Three Scenarios

2001 - Asian Voices - Promoting Dialogue Between the US and Asia

2000 - The Japanese General Election of 25 June 2000

2000 - Social Capital in Japan

1999 - Adjusting America’s Two Alliances in East Asia - A Japanese View

1998 - 安全保障モデルとしての歴史 (Global Security System as History - Westphalian, Philadelphian and Anti-Utopian)

1998 - Looking Back to Look Forward_ The Westphalian, Philadelphian, and Anti-Utopian Paradigms

1998 - Japan's Foreign Policy under US Unipolarity - Coping with Uncertainty and Swallowing Some Bitterness

1997 - The Japanese political system - Its basic continuity in historical perspective

1997 - A Step Toward One-Party Predominance - Japan’s General Election of 20 October 1996

1991 - Japan'sforeign policy in a time of global uncertainty

1991 - Japan's Response to the Gulf Crisis - An Analytic Overview

1989 - shaping and sharing pacific dynamism

1986 - Japan's Images and Options - Not a Challenger, but a Supporter

1981 - Explaining and Predicting Japanese General Elections, 1960-1980

1972 - Measuring Friendship and Hostility among Communist Powers - Some Unobtrusive Measures of Esoteric Communication


copyright inoguchi takashi

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